16 NOV 2013 by ideonexus

 Rule #1 Expand

Well, first thing’s first: we need to expand. We need to create a second base, and a third, and a fourth. We need to use our resources to build more resource-gathers, and fast. The enemy scouts are likely approaching already. How might we do that? Well, there are only so many ways to make money in this world. We already have a day-job, which will act kind of like our home base, so now we need to expand to other types of revenue-producing activities that will serve as our satellite bases. The...
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This is sort of the strategy I take to my online persona, publishing blog posts, guest articles, CC books, etc, etc, creating an expansion of content to improve my online presence and reputation.

23 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 The Internet is Empty Calories

But sometimes I think much of what we get on the Internet is empty calories. It’s sugar — short videos, pokes from friends, blog posts, Twitter posts (even blogs seem longwinded now), pop-ups and visualizations…Sugar is so much easier to digest, so enticing…and ultimately, it leaves us hungrier than before. Worse than that, over a long period, many of us are genetically disposed to lose our capability to digest sugar if we consume too much of it. It makes us sick long-term, as well as giving ...
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Is the information we consume on the Internet like refined sugar, leaving us hungrier than before?

01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus

 How the Global Brain Dehumanizes Us

Clay Shirky, a professor at New York University
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The idea that retweets, wiki-contributions, blog posts, all form a collective brain turns us into mere synapses in the machine.